Improving health with data

From predictive analytics to machine learning, the application of data science within the healthcare industry is vast. The health sector generates a plethora of data, the efficient analysis of which opens up opportunities for innovative ways to prevent, treat and cure disease, improving the lives of humans.

Health data science is an emerging discipline that combines mathematics, statistics, epidemiology and informatics to mitigate these challenges and effectively harness opportunities presented by Big Data in healthcare. Matogen Applied Insights has successfully completed a variety of projects in the medical field, from oncology to orthopaedics, epidemiological to business case modelling, as well as both burn-out and resilience prediction.

Some of our work in the healthcare sector

Advances in Big Data analytics are providing researchers with powerful new ways to extract value from diverse data sources in the fight against cancer, particularly one of the most impactful non-communicable diseases worldwide, especially as the world population grows and ages. Matogen Applied Insights completed a project for a US client to model, monitor and visualise cancer data to recommend optimal treatment regimens. Similarly, the team modelled orthopaedic data to predict adverse events related to surgical procedures for patients suffering from mineral bone disease.

On the infectious disease front, Matogen Applied Insights has participated in advanced modelling of the COVID-19 pandemic for a major international mining company, as well as building a pipeline to wrangle and visualise tuberculosis patient monitoring data for a US client using data from an extensive national database consisting of millions of records.

If you’re active in the healthcare sector and would like to optimise your services by employing predictive analytics or machine learning, please contact us for a chat.